College of Education
Earn more than just a degree. Learn how to educate, guide, and support people after your graduation. Your Bachelor of Education degree will open doors to a future where you are helping people succeed in their own lives while building your career in fields that are in demand worldwide.

Bachelor of Education

Special Education
The Bachelor of Education in Special Education aims to provide students with a thorough training in all the major concepts, methodologies, and theoretical practices pertaining to inclusive education. Learning how to teach children with special needs requires students to become familiar with a wide breadth of content, pedagogies, and practices, as well as fostering a specific set of skills and knowledge. Through its excellent resources and highly-experienced faculty, the College of Education ensures that graduates of this program enter the world of teaching with all the requisite competencies to become truly inspirational educators who can help students with special needs at Kindergarten level through to Grade 12, as well as at specialized learning centers in the country.
Why this College?
The College of Education values excellence in teaching above all else, and strives to deliver this through exciting and innovative courses in an interesting and dynamic environment. The college provides students with the knowledge and expertise required to help young people transform their lives while familiarizing them with an industry that is always developing and growing. Students will gain a solid grasp of education policies and procedures from all across the world and acquire the required skills and techniques to keep learning and developing throughout their career.
Quick Facts
Enrolled students
Undergraduate specializations
Alumni all over the world.

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American University in the Emirates
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